Saturday, August 31, 2019

National Cranberry Cooperative Essay

Fill in your name in the header. Please read the Course Syllabus for guidelines on collaboration in assignments: Below, write your answers to Guiding Questions 1-4. The case is due at the beginning of class on January 29 (Wednesday). Please submit only one document per group. We will discuss the answers in class. You may want to print out your answers and charts for your reference during the class discussion. Some additional information about National Cranberry follows. Not necessarily all of this information is relevant to your answers. You may assume that: On an average â€Å"busy† day 18,000 bbl arrive over the 12-hr period (7 am to 7 pm). This is based on a typical busy day in September. The process is approximately a â€Å"continuous flow† type. Wet berries are 75% of all berries. Holding bins 17-24 are dedicated to wet berries. Capacity of the dumpers is 3,000 bbl / hr (it takes on average 7.5 minutes to dump a truck, a truck holds on average 75 bbl so, from Little’s Law, each dumper will take 600 bbl/hr). Drivers are paid $10/hr. Rates for other employees are given in the case. If you need to make additional assumptions to answer a question, clearly state them, logically defend them, and then proceed to answer the question accordingly. Questions 1.Analyze the current process. Using the process flow map (given below) of the current process at Receiving Plant No. 1 (RP1), mark the capacity and utilization of each of the resources. Show the flows of wet and dry berries separately. On an average busy day, 18,000 bbl arrive over the 12-hr period. Thus, we can say that 1,500 bbl arrive every hour. Since 75% of the berries are wet berries, 1,125 bbl of wet berries and 375 bbl of dry berries arrive every hour. These berries are dumped into 5 Kiwanee Dumpers that take 600 bbls per hour each. And then, dry berries and wet berries are divided. Dry berries go into bins 1 to 16 and wet berries go into bins 17-27. Since bins 1 to 24 have capacity of 250 bbls/hr and bins 25 to 27 have 400 bbls/hr, bins 1 to 16 have capacity of 4,000 bbls/hr total, while bins 17-27 have capacity of 3,200 bbls/hr total. Dry berries are sent to 3 destoners, each  of which has a capacity of 1,500 bbls/hr. There is only one dechaffer for dry berries, and therefore has a capacity of 1,500 bbls/hr. However, the other two dechaffers are assigned to wet berries. Since each dechaffer has a capacity of 1,500 bbls/hr, two dechaffers have a capacity of 3,000 bbls/hr for wet berries. Then, these wet berries go into the dryer, which as a capacity of 600 bbls/hr total. After these processes, the berries arrive at separators, which has a maximum capacity of 1,200 bbls/hr. We assumed that all the processes start at 7 a.m. and identified that the dryers for the wet berries are the bottleneck because dryers have the lowest capacity. (Please note that the filled process flow map is given below) 2.On a busy day, what is RP1’s current maximum throughput rate? As we show in the process flow map below: Demand rate = 1,500 bbl / hr (375 for dry berries and 1,125 for wet berries) Capacity rate = 975 bbl / hr (375 for dry berries and 600 for wet berries, because the bottleneck, which is dryer of capacity 600 bbl / hr, determines the capacity of a linear process) That is, Demand rate > Capacity rate, and in this scenario throughput rate = Capacity rate = 975 bbl / hr 3.Assuming that all of the operations at RP1 start at 7 am on a â€Å"busy† day, present the situation during such a day, by constructing an inventory build-up diagram for bins and trucks. For trucks: For bins: 4.What are the possible capital investments considered by NCC? Quantify the costs and benefits of three of them: the fifth Kiwanee dumper purchased in 1980, and two other investments. What recommendations would you make to Mr. Schaeffer? Please be ready to discuss in class other factors that might influence your recommendations to NCC. Two other possible capital investments considered by NCC would be the installing a light meter system for color grading and hiring a full-time skilled operator at the same pay grade as the chief berry receiver, and adding more dryers that cost $60,000 each. First of all, purchasing a light meter and hiring an operator would reduce large amount of unnecessary cost incurred from cranberries that are misidentified by the chief berry receiver. The case reports that half of  450,000 bbls of berries were misidentified as No.3. Since $1.50 was paid for every No.3 berries, we can say that $337,500 was overpaid. Assuming that the cost of this system is about $40,000 and the cost of full-time skilled operator is about $34,944 (as a straight-time pay rate for the full-year employee) per year, we can calculate the return on investment in the light meter system. The return would be 4.503 ($337,500/$74,944). Even though, the operator gets paid more than the amount above, the return on the investment would still be positive. Secondly, purchasing one additional dryer would cost $60,000. Then, the process capacity would increase to 800 bbls/hr. The dry berries (375bbls/hr) and the wet berries (800bbls/hr) would now sum up to 1175 bbls/hr, which will increase the utilization rate of separators to 97.91%. The resulting increase in flow rate could reduce the overtime labor as much as $78,000 (assuming 12,000 over time hours of all workers * $6.5/hr) and the return on the investment would be 0.3 (18,000/60,000). Thirdly, purchasing the fifth Kiwanee Dumper had increased the capacity by 600 bbls/hr. However, the fact that throughput rate is 975 bbls/hr, and the hourly incoming berries are about 1500 bbls/hr, we do not think that the fifth dumper was necessary because with four dumpers we would have a capacity of 2400 bbls/hr, which is enough as of current state. In other words, since the bottlen eck of the process is the dryer rather than the dumper, we would have saved $200,000 if we did not buy the fifth dumper. Last thing to note is that none of the utilization rate got higher after purchasing the fifth dumper. Since the first two investments listed above have positive returns, we definitely think Mr. Schaeffer should invest in purchasing a light meter and an additional dryer. Even though purchasing additional dryer does not return greater than purchasing a light meter, purchasing additional dryer still returns positive value and therefore, should choose to invest on these three options to manage the extra capital that NCC would spend. However, Mr.Schaeffer could have been better off with not purchasing the fifth dumper because dumper’s capacity was already large enough that the efficiency remained the same with purchasing the fifth dumper. (For the values such as total over time hours and etc, we assumed based on the data given in the case at the last section called Scheduling the Work Force)

Friday, August 30, 2019

Hobbes vs the Fool

Hobbes vs the Fool In Hobbes case, justice is characterized supporting a covenant, and for those who shatter their covenant will be penalized accordingly. The fool first expresses his assertion having â€Å"said in his heart: ‘there is no such thing as justice'† (L p. I ch: xv [4]). If there are no covenants to be broken, this would signify neither just or unjust actions exist. The fool by rejecting the reality of fairness is rejecting the achievement of covenants in general, yet as we currently understand from our own know-how, the fool’s contention is unsound.In every day interactions persons manage in diverse examples support their covenants. Here, Hobbes makes the fool's place appear blatantly untrue for its conspicuous betrayal of the genuine world. Yet, as he extends, it is not the case that the fool refutes the reality of fairness in this way. He answers, â€Å"[the fool] does not therein refute that there be covenants and that are occasionally broken, occ asionally kept, and that such break of them may be called injustice, and the observance of them justice† (L p. I ch: xv [4]).However the fool accepts as factual that it is precisely his right of the covenant, one made in evolving part of a commonwealth, that it is flawlessly in good standing to better ones place even if he will take from his or another covenant. The period covenant from Hobbes viewpoint identifies a kind of agreement in which both parties either acquiesce to fulfill their part, one presently and the other in the future, or both at a subsequent time. This is distinct from a normal agreement in which both parties proceed presently, neither having the possibility to falsify their activities from their agreement.Hobbes identifies a covenant's susceptibility to deceitful agreement, when one or both parties acquiesces to their part with shady aims, or when one or both parties makes a legitimate responsibility and subsequent end up shattering it. For the fool, if he has a possibility to better himself in any way whatsoever he will manage so despite of any covenant made. But the fool solidly accepts as factual that he has the right to shatter one covenant if he feels that he has revealed himself to strike needlessly increasing his vulnerability as the covenant continues.Hobbes composes as the fool saying â€Å"every man's conservation and contentment being pledged to his own care, there could be no cause why every man might not manage what he considered conduced thereunto, and thus furthermore to make or not make, hold or not hold, covenants was not contrary to cause, when it conduced to one's benefit† (L p. I ch: xv [4]). From the fool's viewpoint it is only sane to shatter covenant with other ones, being foes with all other ones rather than of holding covenants with those who might traverse him in a world where every individual is just seeking to survive.At this issue protecting against of one's own life as well as exploitation of other ones, premier in numerous situations to their decrease of life, are revealed with some rationale. Hobbes subsequent recounts the likely situation of vying persons and their procedure of attack. Hobbes sees the right of the one-by-one to manage anything is essential to endure, not less than while dwelling inside a State of Nature and Ware, ethics in a sense non-existent. Hobbes refutes the fool, carrying the reality of fairness inside a commonwealth.It is the individual's right as it is recounted in the State of Nature and Subsequently the State of War of which we are all a part, as long as we subsist without affirmation on and acknowledgement of a mutual sovereign, is therefor habitually called into inquiry while at the identical time identified and supported. Hobbes states â€Å"in a status of conflict wherein every man to every man is an foe, there is no man can wish by his own power or wit to fight back himself from decimation without the assist of confederates† (L p. I c h: xv [5]).Thus in eager to eliminate one's self from a state of conflict, banding simultaneously is the only salvation and this needs covenant finally producing in a commonwealth. For Hobbes, the less sensible is that considered which adds one to live as an one-by-one contrary to all other ones, shattering covenants or producing none. The more sensible considered then: acknowledging reality as part of a assembly of others; sustaining some allowance of fairness, some reality in affirmation between young individuals under a mutual rule.Some decisive affirmation upon the situation of interactions of persons should be made, identifying a widespread power distinct and overhead the body of the assembly, and more mighty than any one-by-one so as to sustain control. In confederacy Hobbes contends, power and security can be discovered, asserting â€Å"he affirms he conceives it cause to deceive those that assist him can in cause anticipate no other entails of security than what can be had from his own lone power† (L p. I ch: xv [5]).Here, Hobbes weighs the scale between the just and the unjust, the one-by-one and the assembly, honesty and self-centred cunning, revealing the benefit of calm over war. The fool is only involved in short viewed goals, instant retribution for one's activities, which live mostly in the state of nature. Hobbes considers the larger advantage of relying on other ones, or not less than living in a assembly with a widespread aim contending that living inside a commonwealth is the favorable alternative because the advantages outweigh the loss.He considers the essential situation for the reality of just and unjust actions when he composes, â€Å"there should be some coercive power to compel men identically to the presentation of their covenants†¦ †¦ and to make good that propriety which by mutual agreement men come by, in recompense of the universal right they abandon; and such power there is no one before the erection of a commo nwealth† (L p. I ch: xv [3]).Hobbes states that attaining the â€Å"secure and perpetual felicity of heaven† is vein, â€Å"frivolous†, in   a State of Nature, â€Å"there being but one way imaginable, and that is not shattering, but holding of covenant† (L p. I ch: xv [6]). This is his direct objection to the fools fondness for completely acknowledging and exploiting freezing hard individualism. He conceives that not anything will convey us out of a State of Nature and War other than mutual acknowledgement of a sovereign power which can, because of it's power, preside over all men (in commonwealth) such that no one-by-one see's it in his better concern to disobey.This salvation for man, without rejecting that he actions for the advantage of himself, Hobbes explains:   â€Å"The last origin, end or conceive of men (who routinely love liberty and dominion over others) in the introduction of that restraint upon themselves in which we glimpse them reside in commonwealths is the foresight of their own preservation, and of a more contented life thereby; that is to state, of getting themselves out from that sad status of conflict, which is inevitably consequent†¦ †¦ to the natural passions of men, when there is no evident power to hold them in awe, and bind them by worry of penalty to the resentation of their covenants and fact of those regulations of environment set down in the fourteenth and fifteenth chapters. † (L p. II ch: xvii [1]) Here, Hobbes recounts the trade off. One should vitally stop certain one-by-one privileges, and in come back are exempt from a state of war. The steadiness of the commonwealth, of the current facet of calm, and likewise of the sovereign are all reliant upon this â€Å"awe† Hobbes converses about and the worry which is essential for binding one to the fulfillment of covenant.He contends that acquiescing to covenant out of worry of one's own life, deserves that one should fulfill it, saying that in â€Å"covenant to yield ransom, or service, for my life, to an foe [in the state of Nature], I am compelled by it† (L p. I ch: xiv [27]). Hobbes indicates the untrue compromise that in dealing away some of you're right to manage anything you delight, so much as it is permitted in preservation of you're life in the State of Nature, which has no restrict, you rather than gain worry, not only of the sovereign and it's direct, but furthermore a worry about those round you who may select to exploit your believe in justice.In the ‘natural' state worry is glimpsed as essential for the reasonable and tired to sustain protecting against of their life. When matching the State of Nature, to that of a commonwealth we glimpse worry lives non the less, when there is a ruling sovereign. Fear is like the equipment which drives the motor of the commonwealth, which Hobbes states defends contrary to a state of war. This worry he states, is the â€Å"terror of some pena lty larger than the advantage they anticipate by the break of their covenant† (L p.I ch: xv [3]). However, worry lives as an absolutely crucial survival constituent in the State of Nature as well, and therefore is not certain thing profited or swapped in justice. Hobbes devotes us the idea of The Third Law of Nature to classify truth, saying that because of that â€Å"which we are obliged to move to another such privileges, being kept, hinder the calm of mankind†¦ †¦ [and thus] men present their covenants made, without which covenants are in vain†¦ and the right of all men to all things residual, we are still in a status of war† ( L p. I ch: xv [1]). Either it is fairness living in a state of calm, or not anything just or unjust living in a state of war. In a very considerable way, the fool presents Hobbes with a grappling colleague, one who can both articulate the ‘other side' of what he is saying, but furthermore extends to be that sticker in his neck which he can't assist but fiddle with, its stubbornness departing a feeling of nearly anxious discomfort.It is unclear at times if Hobbes really contends with the fool or contrary to him, as Edwin Curley remarks â€Å"The place Hobbes ascribes to the fool is very like the one Grotius ascribes to Carneades, who he takes as agent of those who refute natural law. Since Hobbes himself had appeared to be close to carneades' place in Dcv I, 10 (proclaiming that ‘in the state of environment earnings is the assess of right')† (L p. I ch: xv [4] 2 ).

Thursday, August 29, 2019

Police Thesis

CHAPTER 1 Introduction A. Background of the Study In the early years man had a difficult to accomplish their task in short period of time. Their works was never accurate and efficient since people had to do their jobs or responsibilities, manually. Hence, man has continuously looked for a better ways of doing things, for each invention and new development man had to extend their capabilities for making jobs easier and faster so as save time and effort. Man’s curiosity brought for the way of automation.Automation can be defined as a technology concerned with performing a process by means of programmed commands combined with automatic feedback control to ensure proper execution of the instructions. The development of this technology has become an increasingly dependent on the use of computers and computer related technologies. Advanced systems represent a level of capability and performance that surpass in many ways the abilities of human to accomplish the same activities.Manual procedures in performing transactions create problems which results to delay in the generation of reports, consume a lot of time in recording information and retrieving of files. One organization which uses manual record system and encountered those problems is the office of Philippine National Police (PNP) Roxas Zamboanga del Norte. The PNP Roxas, Zamboanga del Norte composing different registered of crime and incident from the different barangay of Roxas Zamboanga del Norte. PNP in cooperation of Local Government Unit (LGU) shall developed and implement programs on preventing crime and incident.The Local Government Unit (LGU) should provide the needs of the PNP Roxas Zamboanga del Norte. According to the PNP staff, recording and retrieving information of the incident and crimes happened and generating of report consume a lot of time since those transactions are done manually. This is the main reason why the researcher wants to conduct a study in the said office. The researcher wa nts to help their office by developing system software, making their transactions faster and easier to handle. B. Theoretical Framework. This study is anchored on Roger Clarke’s (1999) Diffusion of Innovation Theory.His theory describes the pattern of adoption, explains the mechanisms by which they occur, and assists in predicting whether a new invention will be successful. In its early stages, DOI theory was limited to expert in one specific field, examining and evaluating the diffusion of a process which relevant to their specialization. For example, medical sociologist would look a new technology occurring in health care and record the general rates of adoption, at the same time education researcher would study the spread of new teaching methodologist and its inevitable diffusion throughout the school system.Other theory is Everett Roger’s (1995) Diffusion of Innovation Theory. She defines innovation as an idea, practice, or object that is perceived as new by an ind ividual or other unit of adoption. In matters little, so far as human behavior is concerned, whether or not an idea is â€Å"objectively† new as measured by the lapse of time since its first use or discovery. The perceived newness of the idea seems new to the individual, it is innovation.This definition broadly takes on innovation to include not only products such as technological innovation but also ideas and processes that stimulate the development of human potential and organizational processes. Aside from that, Roger also stated in the year 2003 that Diffusion of Innovation theory is the process by which an innovation is communicated through certain channels over time among the members of a social System. † In other words, the study of the diffusion of innovation is the study of how, why, and at what rate new ideas and technology spread through cultures.The Office of PNP, Roxas, Zamboanga del Norte one of the offices that use a manual system in making Spot Report. T heir Spot Report procedures are done through the recording the information into the log book. By adopting the theory the researchers had enhanced the Spot Report of the said office and made known as Automated Crime and Incidents Record Keeping System. C. Conceptual Framework This figure below is the conceptual framework of the study which is represented by these three frames. The first frame refers to the system currently used by the office of the PNP Roxas Station which is Manual Record System.Through the used by the Manual Record System problems occur such as time consuming and delay in the recording and retrieving of information and generation of reports which can be seen in the second frame. Frame two (2) is the reason why the Automated Record System, Frame three (3) will be the focus of the researcher’s study in order to help the PNP in the processing of their transactions easier and faster. ManualRecordSystem| | Time consuming and delayed in the recording and retrieving of information and generation of reports| | Automated Crime and Incidents Record KeepingSystem| Figure 1.Conceptual Framework of the study This figure shows the conceptual framework of the study indicating the present system used at the PNP in processing their transactions. The problems they have encountered and the proposed system that that will help the PNP solve the problems they have encountered. D. Statement of the problem This study aims to design an Automated Record System at the Office of PNP Roxas Zamboanga del Norte. This study will seek to answer the following 1. What are the problems encountered in the Manual Record System at the Office of the PNP Roxas? 2. What system can be made to eliminate those problems?E. Objectives of the Study This study will be conducted in order to: 1. Identify the problems encountered in the PNP Roxas. 2. Develop a system that could eliminate those problems. F. Scope and Limitation This study was conducted at the Office of the PNP, Roxas Zamb oanga del Norte. The study was focused on the spot report, encoding incidences, crimes and generating reports. This study was conducted during the second semester of the SY 2011-2012. G. Significance of the Study The researcher conducted a study on Automated Record System at the Office of the PNP, Roxas Zamboanga del Norte.This study will aim to help the personnel responsible in the crimes and incident records and in the generation of reports to reduce time am effort in recording and retrieving of files. Through this Automated Record System, time consumed in recording information of the crimes, incidence and delays in the generation of reports encountered by the personnel will be reduced if not totally eliminated. For the researcher, this study will enhance their knowledge regarding system development For the future researchers, this study will serve as their reference in conducting system study. H. Operational Definition of Terms Activities or Programs.This refers to the different activities of the PNP like monthly assembly, police drill, etc. Admin. The one who is in charge and provides the recruitment information. Alert Team. The One who is responsible on responding incidents. Finance. The one that responsible on financing matters. Intelligence Division. The one who is responsible on secret record movement and illegal activities of the community. Investigator. The one who is responsible on investigative matters. Operation. The one who is responsible on operational function PCR. â€Å"Police Community Relation† the one who is responsible of the relationship of the community and police.Radio Operator. The one who is responsible in transmitting and receiving information. Spot Report. A report regarding to a happened incidents or crimes. Warrant & Subpoena Server. Te one who is responsible on issuing warrant and subpoena. Chapter 2 Review of Related Literature As we continue to barrel through the information age, it is hard to imagine conducting busi ness without computers. Each day, millions of people working in offices and homes around the world depend on computer technology to do their jobs efficiently and economically.To truly understand the computer’s history involves a daunting journey through mathematics, physics, and electrical engineering; through binary code, Boolean logic, real time, magnetic core memories, floating-point numeral notation, transistors, semiconductors, integrated circuits, and much, mush more. Luckily, most office workers do not need to understand this complex history to use computers and the dizzying array of software programs they execute. When computers were first developed nearly fifty years ago, the people who programmed them considered the task quite maddening.Fortunately, learning to use a personal computer today is often as simple as spending a few hours reading an instruction manual or following a hands-on tutorial. In recent years, computer technology has been incorporated into a wide range of costumers and industrial product. Computers are routinely used into word processing, email, video games, and other application that require repetitive tasks that can be automated. The offices and government institutions mentioned below are among the thousand of offices where application for membership are automated.One example is the Department of Social Welfare and Development. They are currently using the e-Donation Management System through a Memorandum of Agreement (MOA) with Globe X-Change Inc. (GXI) and Memorandum of Understanding (MOU) with the National Computer Center (NCC). The DSWD e-Donation Management System aims to provide the donor community a more convenient and cost-effective option of giving cash donation through the use of technology, such as short messaging services [SMS] or text message, as well as via online or internet.Likewise, it is a costume-designed turnkey solution that delivers, managers, and reconciles contribution and donations via text online transactions, working on a banking industry-standard ICT security environment, and a stable and scalable database system. This system takes the nature of an electronic payment system which is efficient and transparent, as well as fully received trough donation. Another is Tricare records-processing system. The TED system helps civilian providers get paid promptly for the services they provide to Tricare beneficiaries outside of military treatment facilities.Records are processed for provider payments in less than 24 hours in most cases. The ease and speed of the TED system gives providers an incentive to participate in Tricare. Increased participation in Tricare networks provides beneficiaries better access to health care. By verifying and analyzing the information in each records, the TED system allows providers payments to occur promptly and helps prevent payment of duplicate, fraudulent or erroneous claims. The information in the TED system provides data for developing health car e treads and budgets projection.TED system staff members have processed more than $140 billion of purchased services for Tricare beneficiaries worldwide since 2004. The Government Services Insurance System also uses the ECard System in which using your eCard plus, you can check your GSIS records, renew your active status (for Pensioners), and even apply for GSIS loans, when you go to any [email  protected] kiosk installed in all GSIS offices and other major government offices all over the country and manage your eCard Plus ATM account or pay bill online.Also the electronic medical record (EMR) is a computerized medical record created in an organization that delivers care, such as a hospital and doctor’s surgery. Electronic medical records tend to be part of a local stand-alone health information system that allows storage, retrieval and modification of records. Aside from that the Records management, or RM, is the practice of maintaining the records of an organization from the time they are created up to their eventual disposal. This may include classifying, storing, securing, and destruction (or in some cases, archival preservation) of records.A record can be either a tangible object or digital information: for example, birth certificate, medical x-rays, office documents, databases, application data, and e-mail. Records management is primarily concerned with the evidence of an organization’s activities, and is usually applied according to the value of the records rather than their physical formal. Haryana Government is also using a system known as Haryana Land Record Information System. This system is a based software system used by the Haryana government for the computerization of land records in its tehsils. It was developed by NIC Haryana state Unit.Chapter 3 Methodology A. Settings of Study One of the first section citizens read in the local newspaper is the police spot report which contains information on crimes and incident that could af fect them directly. The kind of information provided, however, largely depends on the publication. Local newspapers typically review these records, called spot and reports and print the crimes and incidents happen. Many police departments maintained a handwritten daily spot report. A police report is a record of crimes and incident and committed in a certain area during a certain period of time.Police agencies are required to keep a record of daily activities that can be inspected by the public. So as a police investigator, a factual, precise, accurate information must be posted in the police spot record and its depends upon the agency what type of information they want publish. Police spot report in certain cases, note a suspect’s name, age and address. A name of the victim or complaining party might also be included, but police might avoid providing additional of information if discretion is warranted. Where the crime occurred(at a residence, a business or elsewhere) should be noted as well.Likewise, if a vehicle was damaged or an item was stolen, those things might also be noted. This are the information to be stored in the system to make it easy to find the crimes in the previous recorded incidents. The purpose of a police spot report is to provide an accurate written account of a police officer’s observations during the investigation of a criminal incident. A police spot report can only be written by the officer(s) involved in the investigation of an incident. Each officer who makes a report must swear to its accuracy by signing it.The purpose of making a police spot report into database is to make the investigator easy to find or locate the file that being input in the previous record. PNP Head The figure below shows the organizational structure of the Office of the PNP. ADMIN Operation Radio Operator Intelligence Division Warrant/Subpoena Server PCR SALAAM Alert Team Investigator Finance Figure 2 Organizational Chart The organizational cha rt of the Office of the Philippine National police Roxas Zamboanga del Norte. This figure shows the hierarchy supervision at the Office of the Philippine National Police (PNP). B.Research Design and Procedure of the Study Request letter was sent to the Office of the Philippine National Police (PNP) asking permission to conduct a study in their office. It was followed with the distribution of questionnaire and the conduct of an interview. The researchers in return were provided useful tools such as the organizational structure and different forms like Spot Report form and the master list of the Crimes and Incidents. The researcher have also browsed the internet to gather some related literatures as their basis for the study. The preparation of the manuscript for the system proposal followed.Upon approval, the researcher started to design an Automated Crimes and Incident Record System. Figure 3 on the next page shows the Gantt chart that reflects he work plan in developing a system. C ost and benefits analysis was made to determine the affordability and worthiness of the system. Gantt chart (Work Plan Schedule) Planned starting date – September 2011 |   |   |   |   |   |   |   |   |   |   |   |   | Number of Months|   |   |   |   |   |   |   |   |   |   |   |   | Activities|   | Sept|   |   | Oct|   |   | Nov|   |   | Dec|   |   | Jan|   |   | Feb|   |   | March|   | Apr|   | 1.Conducting aninterview|   |   |   |   |   |   |   |   |   | |   |   |   |   |   |   |   |   |   |   |   |   |   |   |   |   |   |   |   |   |   |   | |   |   |   |   |   |   |   |   |   |   |   |   |   |   |   |   |   |   |   |   |   |   |   |   |   |   |   |   |   |   |   |   | 2. Planning|   |   |   |   |   |   |   |   |   |   |   |   |   |   |   |   |   |   |   |   |   |   |   |   |   |   |   |   |   |   |   |   | 3. Problem|   |   |   |   |   |   |   |   |   |   |   |   |   |   |   |   |   |   |   |   |   |   |   |   |   |   |   |   |   |   |   |   | Definition|   |   |   |   |   |   |   |   |   |   |   |   |   |   |   |   |   |   |   |   |   |   |   |   |   |   |   |   |   |   |   |   | 4.System analysis|   |   |   |   |   |   |   |   |   |   |   |   |   |   |   |   |   |   |   |   |   |   |   |   |   |   |   |   |   |   |   |   | 5. Presentation|   |   |   |   |   |   |   |   |   |   |   |   |   |   |   |   |   |   |   |   |   |   |   |   |   |   |   |   |   |   |   |   | of the |   |   |   |   |   |   |   |   |   |   |   |   |   |   |   |   |   |   |   |   |   |   |   |   |   |   |   |   |   |   |   |   | proposal|   |   |   |   |   |   |   |   |   |   |   |   |   |   |   |   |   |   |   |   |   |   |   |   |   |   |   |   |   |   |   |   | Planned completion date – April 2012 Figure 3 (Gantt chart) This chart shows the work plan schedule in developing the system.Different activities were listed in order to determine the coverage of the certain activity. This chart also shows when the activities begin and end. C. Data Gathering Procedures The first procedure done by the researchers was conducting an interview to some of the staff of (PNP) for them to know how the PNP Officer processes the Record of Crime and Incidents and what are the problems encountered with regards to the transaction mentioned. When the reserchers found out that the office transactions are done manually, they sent a letter of request to the PNP officer.When the permission was granted, they conducted a formal interview to the PNP Officer , at the same time the questionnaire were given in order to gather more information Another way in which the researchers collected data was browsing the internet and reading some books. The researchers then prepared the proposal for presentation. D. Research Instruments Interview. A tool that was used to gather additional information on how the PNP Officer processed the Crime and Incidents Records. Questionnaires. A tool that was used to collect valuable information from the PNP Officer regarding the flow of processing the Records of Crime and Incidents.Observation. A tool that was also used to gather information by observing on how the Crime and Incidents Records is being done at the Office of the PNP. Journal. A tool that was used to record all observation and investigations done by the researchers so that they will be guided in the preparation and the final presentation of the proposal. Modeling tool. A tool that was used to describe the internal and external behavior of the system. It was composed of two models which is the essential and behavioral model. The environmental model describe the external behavior of the system. E. Data AnalysisData gathered from the research interview was carefully analyzed and interpreted through the cost and benefit analysis. Costs and Benefits estimates and totals at the equivalent money value of the benefits and cost of this system to establish whether this system is worthwhile and affordable to use. The purpose of the cost analysis is to calculate all the anticipated cost associated with the system. It concerns not only the cost of building the system, but also the cost of installing, operating and maintaining the system as well as the auxiliary cost, while the benefits analysis has two kinds.One is the tactical benefits that are often associated in reductions in clerical or PNP personnel and the ot her one is the strategic benefits which are an opportunity to save few clerical people as the ability to let the organization do things what would be possible with the current system. F. Cost and Benefit Analysis The purpose of the cost analysis is to calculate all the anticipated cost associated with the system. It concerns not only the cost of building the system, but also the cost of installing, operating and maintaining the system as well as the auxiliary cost, while the benefit analysis has two kinds.One is the tactical benefits that are often associated in reductions in clerical or PNP personnel and the other one is the strategic benefits which are an opportunity to save few clerical people as the ability to let the organization do things what would be possible with the current system. System Development Cost Visual Basic 6. 0Php 9,250. 00 Consultant Fee Php 9,025. 00 TotalPhp 18,275. 00 Present System Annual Operating Cost Office SuppliesPhp 15,465. 00 ElectricityPhp 2,564. 0 0 Hardware MaintenancePhp 2,000,00 TotalPhp 20,029. 00 Proposed System Annual Operating Cost SuppliesPhp 7,560. 00 ElectricityPhp 3,600. 40Hardware MaintenancePhp 2,100. 00 Total Php 13,260. 40 Annual Operating Cost:Php 13,260. 40 Present Annual Operating Cost A. Supplies 1. Ink (6 tubes/yr @ 1,130/tube)Php 6,780. 00 2. Ribbon Cartridge (5 boxes/yr @ 145. 00/box)Php725. 00 3. Bond Paper (5 rims (US long)/yr @240. 00/rimPhp 1,200. 00 (5 rims(US short)/yr @ 235. 00/rimPhp 1,175. 00 4. Stapler (1 pc/yr @ 145. 00/pcPhp 145. 00 5. Stapler Wire (30 boxes/yr @ 50. 00/box)Php 1,500. 00 6. Folder (30 pcs/yr @ 8. 00/pc)Php 240. 00 7. Fastener (15 boxes/yr @ 150. 00/boxPhp 2,250. 00 8. Puncher (1 pcs/yr @ 220. 00/pcPhp 220. 00 9. Ballpen (30 pcs/yr @ 8. 00/pc)Php 240. 00 10. Liquid Erasure 1 bot. /yr @38. 00/pcPhp 38. 00 Total: Php 14,513. 00 Electricity (Annual Consumption) No. of CPU 1 No. of Monitor 1 No. of Printer 1 Monitor Type Monochrome Working Days 200 General Charge 3. 95 Hours Used/ Days 6 System Unit Power Consumption/Day (6 hrs/ day * 400 watt) 2,400 watt/day HP Printer power Consumption/day (6 hrs/day * 90 watt) 540 watt/ day Monitor Power Consumption/ day (6 hrs / day * 30 watt) 180 watt / day Watt used for by device per day 2,400+540+180=3,120 wattsWatt used for all device / yr (3,210 * 200) 624,000 watts / yr Kilowatt used / yr (624,000 watts / 1000) 624 kilowatts / yr Watt / yr = (watt / day) * (working days / yr) =3,120 * 200 =624,000 Amount Due = (kilowatt / yr) * Generation Charge =624 *3. 95 Php 2,464. 80 Proposed System Annual Operating Cost B. Supplies 11. Ink (3 tubes/yr @ 1,130/tube)Php 3,390. 00 12. Ribbon Cartridge (2 boxes/yr @ 145. 00/box)Php 290. 00 13. Bond Paper (4 rims (US long)/yr @230. 00/rimPhp 920. 0 (4 rims(US short)/yr @ 225. 00/rimPhp 900. 00 14. Stapler (1 pc/yr @ 145. 00/pcPhp 145. 00 15. Stapler Wire (20 boxes/yr @ 50. 00/box)Php 1,000. 00 16. Folder (22 pcs/yr @ 8. 00/pc)Php 176. 00 17. Fastener (12 boxes/yr @ 150. 00/boxPhp 1, 800. 00 18. Puncher (1 pcs/yr @ 220. 00/pcPhp 220. 00 19. Ballpen (18 pcs/yr @ 8. 00/pc)Php 144. 00 20. Liquid Erasure (1 bot. /yr @38. 00/pcPhp 38. 00 Total: Php 9,023. 00 Electricity (Annual Consumption) No. of CPU 1 No. of Monitor 1 No. of Printer 1 Monitor Type Monochrome Working Days 200 General Charge 3. 95 Hours Used/Days 8System Unit Power Consumption/Day (8 hrs/ day * 400 watt) 3,200 watt/day HP Printer power Consumption/day (8 hrs /day * 90 watt) 720 watt/ day Monitor Power Consumption/ day (8 hrs / day * 30 watt) 240 watt / day Watt used for by device per day 3,200+720+240=4,160 watts Watt used for all device / yr (4,160 * 200) 832,000 watts / yr Kilowatt used / yr (832,000 watts / 1000) 832 kilowatts / yr Watt / yr = (watt / day) * (working days / yr) 4,160 * 200 =832,000 Amount Due = (kilowatt / yr) * Generation Charge =832 *3. 95 Php 3,286. 40 Annual Benefit Present System Annual Operating Cost = Php 14,513. 00 Less Proposed Annual Operating Cost = Php 9,023 Annual Sav ings: Php 5,490. 00 Table of Annual Net Benefit Year| Annual saving| (1+i)n| Present value| Cumulative Value| 1| 5,490. 00 | 1. 024| 5621. 76| 5621. 76| 2| 5,490. 00 | 1. 049| 5759. 01| 11518. 02| 3| 5,490. 00 | 1. 74| 5896. 26| 17688. 78| 4| 5,490. 00 | 1. 100| 6039. 00| 24156. 00| 5| 5,490. 00 | 1. 126| 6181. 74| 30908. 07| This Table shows the table of annual net benefit. Project in percentage from 1-5 the cash flow. This table shows that Present value are computed by getting the product of annual saving and (1+i)n while the cumulative value is computed by getting the sum of the present value of that particular year and the cumulative value of the previous year. Where I = interest rate n = no. of years 3% = interest rate Payback Period 2+ Proposed System Annual Operating Cost- Cumulative Value in 3 Years Present Value in 3 Years The Cost and Benefits Analysis given above will help the Finance officer to decide whether to implement a computerized Land Patent Form System. It shows that the total annual operating cost of the present system is Php 14,513. 00; the researcher’s analysis reveals that the proposed system is lower operating cost, lower supplies expenses, less physical space needed, fewer operators required, faster turnaround time, greater accuracy, more comprehensive reports and improves morale-financial benefits school pegs at Php 5,490. 0 annually. Base on the cost-benefits estimates, the office would see a return on each investment in 2 years and seven months. In this case, it is very clear that the expected benefits of the proposed system do exceed the expected cost. G. Hardware and Software Hardware and software requirements are very essential in the automation of the system and they are the component in the system analysis. In choosing hardware factors to be considered include the following ability, affordability, speed and robustness of the hardware to save time and energy. H. Hardware and Software ConfigurationHardware Configuration C omputer: Personal Computer with Pentium (R) or higher processor Memory: 512MB of Random Access Memory or Higher Display: 32bit (1024 x 768 pixels) Monitor: video Graphics Accelerator (VGA) or Higher : Resolution monitor (Super VGA recommended) Hard Dick Requirements: At least 700MB of free space Video Display Adapter: 64MB (Any branded video card) Key board Features: Standard 101/102-Key or Microsoft PS/2 keyboard Mouse: Microsoft mouse compatible pointing device Power Supply: AVR (Automatic Voltage Regulator) 500watts & 220volts outlet UPS (Uninterrupted power Supply) 300watts & 220volts outlet Printer: EPSON LQ300+2 (dot matrix printer) : MP1600Le (photocopier/printer/scanner) Software Configuration Operating System: Microsoft windows 2009 Dark edition, Windows 98, Windows XP, SP2, SP3, Windows 2000 Application Software: MS Office Programming Language: Visual Basic I. Essential Model The essential model is a modeling tool shows what the system must do in order to satisfy t he user’s requirements on how the system is implemented. It consist of two major components namely the environmental model and behavioral model. I. 1. Environmental modelThe environmental model is modeling tool that defines the boundary and the interaction between the system and the environment. It consists of the statement of the purpose event list and context diagram. I. 1. 1 Statement of Purpose The Manual Crime & Incidents Record System of the PNP Roxas Zamboanga del Norte is use to record update and edits information about Crime and Incidents such as Car crash, Robbery etc. and surveying of records. It is also used to generate reports such as Spot Report. I. 1. 2. Event List The event list is a narrative list of all activities that occur in the environment to which the system responses.It has seven events namely: 1. PNP Head request Spot Report 2. Responder Submitted Spot Report 3. Provincial Police Office Request Report 4. Provincial Police Requires Report 5. Region al Police Office request Report 6. PNP Roxas submits the spot report Responder PNP Head Spot Report Spot Report Manual Crime and Incidents Record Keeping System Note Spot Report Master list of crimes and incidents Master list of crimes and incidents Master list of crimes and incidents Master list of crimes and incidents Provincial Office Regional Office Figure 4. The Context Diagram that shows the Automated Crime and incident’s Record Keeping System.The figure shows the different external entities in which the system responses. The Responder, PNP head, Provincial Police Office, Regional Police Office are the persons involve in the processing of the Crimes and Incidents record system or information and in generation of reports. Legend: Terminal – the external entities of the individual or group of people. Flows – the connection between processes. Process – it represent various individual functions that system carries out. Data Store – store the coll ection of data. Responder Spot Report Spot Report Spot Report File Spot Report ProcessRequest Figure 5. Event List 1: PNP Head Request Spot Report This figure shows that when the PNP Head requires a report, the Spot Report File and Master List of Crimes and Incidents File were retrieved to print the Spot Report and Master List of Crimes and Incidents Legend: Terminal – the external entities of the individual or group of people. Flows – the connection between processes. Process – it represent various individual functions that system carries out. Data Store – store the collection of data. Responder Process of the Spot Report Note Spot Report Master list of crimes and incidentsFigure 6. Event List 2: PNP Head Request Spot Report This figure shows that when the PNP Head requires a report, the Spot Report File and Master List of Crimes and Incidents File were retrieved to print the Spot Report and Master List of Crimes and Incidents Terminal – the exter nal entities of the individual or group of people. Legend: Flows – the connection between processes. Process – it represent various individual functions that system carries out. Data Store – store the collection of data. Provincial Police HeadquartersMaster list of crimes and incidents Master list of crimes and incidents Master list of crimes and incidents Spot Report File Process Request Figure 7. Event List 3: Provincial Police Headquarter request Master List This figure shows that when an PNP Head submit’s the Spot Report and Master List file to the Provincial Police Office. Legend: Terminal – the external entities of the individual or group of people. Flows – the connection between processes. Process – it represent various individual functions that system carries out. Data Store – store the collection of data. Process RequestSpot Report PNP Head PNP Head submit’s the Spot Report Provincial Police Office Figure 8. Eve nt List 4: PNP Head submit’s Spot Report This figure shows that when an PNP Head submit’s the Master List file to the Provincial Police Office. Legend: Terminal – the external entities of the individual or group of people. Process – it represent various individual functions that system carries out. Flows – the connection between processes. Data Store – store the collection of data. Master list of crimes and incidents Regional Police Headquarters Master list of crimes and incidents Spot Report FileMaster list of crimes and incidents Process Request Figure 9. Event List 5: Regional Police Headquarter request Master List This figure shows that when the Regional Police Office requires a report, the Spot Report File and Master List of Crimes and Incidents File were retrieved to print the Spot Report and Master List of Crimes and Incidents Legend: Terminal – the external entities of the individual or group of people. Process – it rep resent various individual functions that system carries out. Flows – the connection between processes. Data Store – store the collection of data. Process RequestPNP Head Spot Report PNP Head submit’s the Spot Report Regional Police Office Figure 10. Event List 6: PNP Head submit’s Spot Report This figure shows that when an PNP Head submit’s the Master List file to the Regional Police Office. Legend: Terminal – the external entities of the individual or group of people. Flows – the connection between processes. Process – it represent various individual functions that system carries out. Data Store – store the collection of data. 1. 2 Behavioral Model This model is primary concern on the internal behavior of the system to interest with the environment.This model includes Data Flow diagram, Process specifications and Data dictionary. The behavioral model includes the following: 1. 2. 1 Data flow diagram (DFD) –are us ed to describe how the system transforms information. They define how information processed and stored and identify how the information flows through the processes. 1. 2. 2 Data dictionary – specify relationship between each of said user application. Program and said sets of data stored in said database associated with each of said user application programs. 1. 2. 3 Process Specifications – a step by step flow of transaction on each process.Top Level Data Flow Diagram 1. Process Submission of Spot Report 2. Process Request Spot Report File Spot Report Spot Report Master list of crimes and incidents Spot Report File Spot Report Master list of crimes and incidents Figure 11. This figure shows entire flow of the data through the system. It implies how the transaction is processed and described how the different process involved. Data Store – store the collection of data. Flows – the connection between processes. Process – it represent various individu al functions that system carries out. Terminal – the external entities of the individual or group of people.Legend: 1. Process Submission of Spot Report Spot Report Spot Report File Spot Report Figure 12 Process Submission of Spot Report This figure shows that during the process of Submission of Spot Report. Legend: Terminal – the external entities of the individual or group of people. Flows – the connection between processes. Process – it represent various individual functions that system carries out. Data Store – store the collection of data. Spot Report Master list of crimes and incidents 2. Process Request Master list of crimes and incidents Spot Report Spot Report File Figure 13Process Request This figure shows that during the Process of Request and Release of Spot Report and Master List File of Crime and Incidents. Legend: Terminal – the external entities of the individual or group of people. Data Store – store the collection of data. Process – it represent various individual functions that system carries out. Flows – the connection between processes. J. 2. Data Dictionary Alphanumeric=* either number or letter or combination of both* Address=*address of the person where involve in an incidents or crime Character=*a letter, number and special character*sContact No. =*Contact No. of Person Involve [email  protected]{numeric} Date =*(mm/dd/yy)* [email  protected]{numeric} Name =Name of person [email  protected]{character} Numeric =*a number (0-9)* Request information =*an information of a particular crime or incidents* [email  protected]{alphanumeric} Record =*It refers to all the information of the requested item which is being inputted by Responder* [email  protected]{alphanumeric} Record File =*refers to the file in which all the record information about the Crime and Incidents is stored. This file is also used during retrieval of information* @{alphanumeric} Spot Report =*refers t o the file in which all the record information about the Crimes and Incidents is stored. This file is also used during retrieval of information* [email  protected]{alphanumeric} ={Full name}+{age}+{address}+{sex}+{time}+{date}+{place}+{evidence}+{Materials}+{summary of the incidents} J. 3 Process Specification Process 1: Submission of Spot Report Begin Open Spot Report File If Close Close Spot Report File End If End Process 2: Process Request Begin Open Spot Report File If Close Close Spot Report File End If End

Wednesday, August 28, 2019

COMMUNICATING WITH AND LEADING PEOPLE Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1750 words

COMMUNICATING WITH AND LEADING PEOPLE - Essay Example 5 Question 4 Evaluate how the existing processes & channels of communication might have affected team-working and the organisation’s performance and make recommendations for improvement. 6 Question 5 Justify how the implementation of your recommendations will benefit the organization & ensure greater integration of communication systems. 7 References 9 Question 1 What are the current issues and problems relating to Graham’s company and his teams? Write your analysis of the case study. Graham’s company currently faces a series of problems which seem to be related to the following fact: the lack of effective communication between employees at all organizational levels. More specifically, in Graham’s company conflicts have become a daily phenomenon in the workplace. At managerial level, the lack of awareness of employees’ needs have led to the development of ineffective strategies. Indeed, managers ignore the challenges that employees face and promote strategies that are quite difficult to be implemented. Graham has repeatedly tried to intervene and promote appropriate solutions but the elimination of conflicts in the workplace seems to be impossible. The expansion of conflicts across the company can be explained if taking into consideration the company’s development through the years. The company has faced a quite rapid growth. In its first form, the company had just four managers who were the company’s founding members. Through the years, the expansion of business activities led necessarily to the hiring of staff, including managers. The changes on the company’s culture have been inevitable. However, no plan was implemented for managing change and for securing effective communication in the workplace. The lack of such plan has resulted to the company’s current communication problems. The lack of respect and trust in the workplace has caused the further expansion of the company’s communication problem. The elimination of communication problems in Graham Company is primarily related to the willingness of managers and staff to collaborate so that team-working is promoted across the organization. Question 2 Do you agree with the strategies used by Impact Consulting? Justify your answer and make recommendations as what other strategies the company could use to promote team spirit to help motivate & provide support to the teams. In general, Impact Consulting has focused on the improvement of the leading skills of the firm’s managers. Indeed, at a first level a questionnaire has been used for identifying the managers’ thought on critical issues; in this way, the strengths and weaknesses of managers, as leaders, can be revealed. The response of the managers to the particular initiative has been positive setting the basis for the development of an effective communication plan between managers and employees at lower levels of the organizational hierarchy. In addition , a series of sessions has been arranged for helping managers to improve their strategic planning and collaboration skills. Particular emphasis has been given on the CEO’s training. Coaching sessions have been arranged for increasing the CEO’s skills in managing culture changes. This means that the consultants in Impact Consulting have understood the vital role of culture in the firm’s performance. However, the effective management of culture in each organization is not related only to the

Tuesday, August 27, 2019

How would you use the knowledge of incentives to manage a business Essay

How would you use the knowledge of incentives to manage a business - Essay Example To be effective for business, incentives should clearly link performance to pay and should directly link performance to specific standards and objectives. If a teams objective is customer satisfaction, that should be the measure of performance, rather than volume or duration of service calls, which may bear little relation to whether the customers needs were actually met (Laffont and Marthmort 45). Incentives (rewards and punishments) should relate directly to the nature of performance required at each level of the organization. For example, in order to develop a true team perspective among top executives, the bonus plan for each member of the senior team is based largely on the entire companys success in meeting certain specific financial goals, such as stock price (Campbell 61). In other situations -fund managers in an investment firm, for example -- its more appropriate to base rewards on each persons individual performance. Incentive plans should match measurement periods for rew ards to relevant performance periods; some goals can be assessed after three months, while it might not be practical to evaluate others in less than a year. Some incentive programs recognize that fact by containing both short- and long-term goals. Because performance Incentives can provide bonuses equaling up to 13 percent of a workers base pay, teams are sharply attuned not only to the performance of their own members but to other teams as well. Between each shift there is a brief "hand-off" meeting between the team thats leaving and the one thats coming on (Laffont and Marthmort 51). Some organizations may want to grant direct incentives for worker avoidance of nonwork, anti-work, and semi-work. Tying incentives directly to usage of time is not reward for performance. But in certain cases, particularly where effort distribution issues are involved,

Health Care Provider Faith and Diversity Research Paper

Health Care Provider Faith and Diversity - Research Paper Example Health Care Provider Faith and Diversity The link between spirituality and patient treatment has been a substantial concern in health care. Spirituality plays a vital part in patients’ life and there exist a relationship between patient’s religious pledge and health consequences. Thus, patients prefer the healthcare providers to consider the religious factors in health care (Anandarajah & Hight, 2001). Different religious groups possess diverse belief system in terms of heath care. Thus, a health care provider must remain aware regarding diverse religious beliefs in order to provide quality medical care. A spiritual assessment is generally regarded as a practical step in integrating patients’ spirituality into health care practice. Spiritual assessment is the procedure through which health care providers can recognize the spiritual requirements of patients relating to their psychological health conditions (Hefner, 2008). Therefore this assignment deals in spiritual assessment of a patient with respect t o understanding the religious belief. The objective of the assignment is to recognize how different religion view healing and what are the factors they consider most while receiving significant health care services. In order to undertake the spiritual assessment, I employed the tool of Spirituality Scale. Spirituality Scale is a holistic tool that is intended to evaluate the opinions, perceptions, religious practices and ritual characteristics of patients.

Monday, August 26, 2019

My Ideas for a Utopia Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1500 words

My Ideas for a Utopia - Essay Example Throughout the ages intellectuals have come up with a number of different proposals for an ideal government, each of these proposed ideas is based on a particular and limited view of humanity, some of these ideas are based on a very optimistic view of humans and present the masses of humanity as the epitome of sagacity and intelligence and fully capable of knowing their best interest and others are based on extremely pessimistic beliefs about the public and consider them to be no more than sheep to be lead by a wise ruler.  Marx desired a society in which there was no personal ownership (Marx and Engels 235) In Plato’s ideal republic, the men would even share wives and children (Plato 301). These ideas overemphasize the tendency of humans to cooperate with one another and share resources with one another, the fact that humans may also be intensely competitive with one another, liable to intense bouts of jealousy (especially sexual jealousy), may not have the same incentive t o work without personal ownership of property and in any system of joint effort, some will attempt to get a free ride by doing little of the labor and reaping an equal part of the benefits, is overlooked in these social systems. In my opinion, it is necessary to allow private ownership of property and means of production in order to maximize the incentive of each person to labor. In addition, the extraordinary love and affection shown to a child by its father are likely to be missing from a society where all the men are held to be equally responsible for each child. The system of having wives in common seems to be extremely exploitative of women and possibly impossible to impose without the use of coercion.   

Sunday, August 25, 2019

Music Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 500 words - 16

Music - Essay Example The attractiveness of the melodies and careful incorporation of romantic sounds largely and continuously changes the mood of the listener to a more passionate frame of mind. Capriccio is definitely a song that I would love to continuously play when I want to relax my mind. The music, which is played by trumpet, piano and baritones, is expressively turned with great performance straight from the vocal part. The music literally raises tremendous memories of the autumn season regardless of how far the season could be through its expressive simultaneous performance of the musical instruments and the vocal part, which remains, breathtaking and propulsive throughout the song. The song remains one of the greatest arrangements of the first brass quintet that is deliberate and harmonious that describes the romantic melancholy of the autumn season. Autumn is a song that one can repeatedly listen to just to remind the listener of the great and beautiful memories of the autumn season. This song is plainly a beautiful performance that is incorporated with much intimacy and erotic smouldering that worth the occasional listening. The artistical blend of tenor and trombone and strings and the vocal part confirms the sweet musical combination that originates from the song. The variations of the strings and the tenor trombones arouses the listeners feelings and emotions thus compelling the listener to listen more and more with a thrilling feeling and emotions. Concerto is a song that will continue ringing into the ears and head of the listener even if it is not playing due to its melodious tunes. This is a song that I would heartily recommend to be one of the greatest jazz ever since because of the way it is wonderfully expressed with powerful movements of the artists. It undoubtedly stirs up the listener with its classical combination of guitars and the trombone which turns it to be a pacesetter in the innovative standard of jazz. Naked as a Jaybird

Saturday, August 24, 2019

Trouble in Paradise Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 500 words

Trouble in Paradise - Essay Example This is one of Lubitsch’s best and the most favorite film and had chosen the main character because he liked to ‘rehabilitate obscure European plays’. It was a great box office success and had won critical appreciations from the critics. The popular genre of screwball comedy of the 1930s in Hollywood was given a new dimension by Lubitsch in this film. While the normal screwball films were racy slapstick romantic comedies that just hinted subtly at sex and united the lovers only at the end, ‘Trouble in Paradise’ reveled in sexual innuendoes and larceny. The two main characters of the film were lovers as well as partners in crime whose dedication for their work was equaled only by their passion for each other. Throughout the film, with suggestive dialogues delivered with orchestrated grace and finesse, Lubitsch has not only expanded the idea of thievery into a glamorized activity, he has also shown that sexual exploits can also become intrinsic part of the overall plot. All the works of Lubitsch have his special signature ‘Lubitsch touch’ that never fails to keep his audience very firmly to the ground realities. This film too has its share. In fact, at the start of the film itself, the romantic gondola of Venice is shown as a carrier of garbage! Indeed, the juxtaposition of the extreme is the highlight of Lubitsch films which he carries with aplomb. The film is representative of the artifice that a man is forced to portray in order to accomplish his nefarious intentions. Posing as aristocratic Baron, made it easier for Gaston to fool his intended victim, Madame Mariette Colet and steal her riches. He was an honest thief because he had accepted the fact unlike ‘Giron’, accountant of Colet, who had been ripping his boss for years and yet always pretended to be her well wisher. He even wanted to report Gaston to the police for the same crime that he had been committing for years! The film

Friday, August 23, 2019

Company report and promotion plan Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1250 words

Company report and promotion plan - Essay Example This report seeks to provide a competitive analysis of British Airways and create a promotional plan for the company. The promotional plan will include a marketing mix analysis, time plan, and a brief budget forecast for the expenses and revenues of the promotion. British Airways has several competitors offering the same services and which lie in the same operating area. However, the airline industry in the UK has five strategic categories, which include specialist, non-schedule, no frills, local, and mass service (Kotler, 2002:139). British Airways falls in the mass service category, with other competitors such as Virgin Atlantic, Lufthansa, KLM, and Air France. No frills airline includes Ryan Air and Easy Jet, while non-schedule airline include Thomson. In local airlines, there is BMI and Palm Air in the specialist category (Bucks, 2010). The other four categories do not offer stiff competition compared to the mass service strategic group. British Airways’ main competition comes from serious contenders, who include Virgin Atlantic and United Airlines incorporated in the Star alliance that is controlling BMI. Despite not being in the same strategic category, no-frills airlines are a significant challenge to the British Airways, especi ally due to their low cost fares (Kotler, 2002:134). In addition, the recent sharp increase in oil prices and the economic downturn has led to a war price between the three major airlines plying the London Dubai route, British Airways, emirates, and Virgin Atlantic. Consequently, fare prices have gone down by almost thirty percent, which indicates that competition is still fierce. The marketing mix, or the 4Ps, is a marketing business tool used for determining the selling point of products and services. This analyzes the current marketing mix of British Airways, emphasizing on the price, product, and promotion elements. The report neglects the place

Thursday, August 22, 2019

Review of Related Literature Essay Example for Free

Review of Related Literature Essay This chapter of the research caters to the principles of English as Second Language (ESL); Writing Development of ESL Students; English Structural Problems Encountered by Chinese Students; and Common Errors on Grammar of Chinese Students. English as a Second Language (ESL) is a process of instruction of English in an English speaking country whose mother tongue is a different language (Rosenthal, 2000, p. 73). On the other hand, the method of teaching English as a Foreign Language (TEFL) comprises of teaching English in a particular country wherein English is not the primary language being used (Rosenthal, 2000, p. 73). Students who are studying English as a second language are described as nonnative speakers, language minority students, second language learners, and students with limited English proficiency (Rosenthal, 2000, p. 73). According to Cochran (1992) as cited from Rosenthal (2000), there are generally six identified groups of the ESL college population who needs help with their English, in which four of them required a special ESL instruction in order to continue their college education. The first group is the Native speakers of English who are students who are monolingual, bilingual or bidialectical in nature. This group of students is born in the United States and needs a remedial or basic English skills instruction, focusing more on academic writing (Rosenthal, 2000, p. 74). Second among the groups are called close to native speakers in which they comprise of students who came in various ethnic backgrounds but from a society who practices English at home or with peers. The third group is made by foreign-educated adults with no knowledge in English. This group of individuals is made of students who are well educated in their respective countries and have a good grasp of English grammar and English reading skills; they normally stays in the United States for the sake of continuing education. The foreign-educated adults with no knowledge of English are the group of students who are as described by Cochran as virtually no knowledge of English from any other source who are normally composed of individuals who after graduated high school moved in the United States and have been observed as having gaps and certain problems in their English. The fifth in the group is called the native speakers with limited schooling; more often, immigrants and refugees compose this group. They are characterized by low-level language skills both in their native tongue and English. As a result, it is often perceived that their manner of speaking is not really a standard in neither language. The last group is the nonnative not literate speakers. These individuals are categorized as lacking knowledge both in their native language and the English language (Rosenthal, 2000, p. 74). The process of learning the English language has been strictly categorized in a strict sequence such as â€Å"listen, speak, read and then write (Perotta, 1994, p. 237). As such, the learning emphasizes a strict stage-by-stage approach in learning the English language. Hudelson (1984) as cited from Perotta (1994) had pointed out that the process of contemporary ESL instruction is characterized by programs that place strict limitations on writing to prevent error (p. 237). As such, it is often the case that students are only asked to write what only they have learned or used to do in orally in formal lessons. One significant study that could be cited is the one of Franklin (1986) as cited from Perotta (1994) who made a study between the educational framework and the learning patterns of native English speakers and ESL students. The study viewed that the capacity of the latter are hugely characterized of strict programs that are designed in order to prevent errors in their writing methods. As such, ESL students are only permitted to write what they have practiced orally. Methods such as language drill work, copying, filling in blanks and taking dictation often limit the capacity of ESL student to learn. Studies shown by Rigg (1981) and Urza (1987) as cited from Perotta (1994) have shown that a good number of students are capable of writing things that they are not able to control orally. One specific example that could be cited is the work if a student who appears to be not doing well in speaking English but was able to write the following: Ones supon a time ther livd a good harted lien. he difrent from de adrs. He ws good toode adr animoles and de adr animoles wer good too hem. Ande he dident like too fte and he dident like de adr animol too fte. He somtims guen [when] da abr animoles fte gued [with] hime and he liked too play and he livd gapolievr aftr (p. 267). This example implies then that an effective ESL learning process, most specially if focusing on writing must allow students to learn in a manner that is closely similar to native English speakers. ESL learners must be allowed and encouraged to write as much as they can. The process of writing could be learned through practice, observation, trial and error and also receiving feedbacks from other people and peers as well Perotta (1994).

Wednesday, August 21, 2019

“I know why the caged bird sings” Essay Example for Free

â€Å"I know why the caged bird sings† Essay After a childhood full of cruelties, disappointments, and being raped at the hands of her mother’s boyfriend, Maya Angelou survived and became the most important civil, human, and Women’s Rights Activist. After her rape she was silent for 5 years, and only through the encouragement of her grandmother did she start to write and act. Her writings won her world acclaim and she was nominated for the National Book Award, a Tony Award and a Pulitzer Prize. She is indisputably one of the most influential women in history. Her poem â€Å"I know why the caged bird sings† shows her grace and skill as a poet, and a humanitarian. â€Å"I know why the caged bird sings† is a six stanza poem. The poem has a very traditional structure. The first two stanzas are triplets, followed by a quatrain, then another triplet, and ends with a quatrain. It has a very simple but effective rhyme scheme. The triplet stanza has a AAB rhyme, and the quatrain stanzas have a AAAB rhyme. This poem is lyrical and intense. The themes presented in this poem are of a freedom and triumph over adversity (Arensberg 273). In stanza one Angelou describes how birds in the wild have unbound freedom. She writes â€Å"leaps on the back of the wind†¦ dips his wings in the orange sunrays, (lines 1-3)† about the free birds activities. Her words affect the senses, and the reader feels the freedom the birds experience in flight. She brings nature and the outdoor elements to life and the audience is right there at play with the birds. Freedom abounds! In stark contrast, the next stanza snaps the reader back from their dreamlike state. There are a series of very strong words that create a feeling of depression, and claustrophobia. Angelou explains the life of a caged bird. â€Å"narrow cage, bars of rage, and wings clipped. (lines 3-6)† These phrases create a sense of dread and imprisonment. This evokes sympathy for the bird, and thoughts about if we were also imprisoned (Arensberg 280). The reader begins to think what is life unfair and, why that bird? and further, why me? â€Å"But a caged bird stands on the grave of dreams, (line 14)† the poem continues and yet the bird still sings. Angelou comments â€Å" The caged bird still sings with a fearful trill of things unknown but longed for still (lines 17-18)† about the bird who displays the only freedom he has at present, his voice. Pierre Walker, in his 1995 article, comments â€Å"that the bird still dreams,â€Å" and he has the determination to overcome and make the best of his situation. There is a single focus for Angelou use of alliteration in this poem. She uses the â€Å"s† sound over and over again â€Å"his shadow shouts on a nightmare scream† (line 15). The â€Å"s† sound creates the feeling of wind, the whispering of tree leaves, the bird is scared but he sings because he can. He cannot fight his nature. He will find freedom anyway he can, and for that bird it is his singing. The use of the rhyme scheme in the quatrain portion of the poem is AAAB. The inflexibility of the first three lines in stanza 3 â€Å"thrill†¦hill†¦shrill† create the perfect path to the true theme of this poem. When the reader expects another word to rhyme it doesn’t, and the quatrain ends with â€Å"freedom. † The same is true for the last stanza, which is a repeat of the first. Liliane Arensberg explains that the rhyme reminds the reader that there is always hope, there is always the will to survive and the promise at the end of the tunnel of light (Arensberg 289) of freedom. â€Å"I know why the cage bird sings† by Maya Angelou is a very popular poem. Many people find inspiration in her words, and find solace in the hope and determination that bird has. If he can sing, so can the reader. If he can survive so can you. We cannot always choose our lot in life, but we can make the best of it. We can reflect, find out talents, and give those to the world. Maya Angelou presents a very important message to the reader in the form of a very lyrical almost song like poem by using strong imagery of a bird and it’s cage, the pursuit of freedom as a theme, a strong rhyme scheme, and alliteration. Angelou skill as an author cannot easily be missed and neither can her message that we must overcome misfortune and strife to become what we were always meant to be. Works Cited Angelou, Maya. The Complete Collected Poems of Maya Angelou. 1st ed. New York: Random House, 1994. 101. Arensberg, Liliane K. Death as Metaphor of Self in I Know Why the Caged Bird Sings. College Language Association Journal 20 (1976): 273-91. Walker, Pierre A. Racial protest, identity, words and form in Maya Angelous I Know Why the Caged Bird Sings. . College Literature 1 Oct 1995. 23 Nov 2005 http://www. highbeam. com/.

Tuesday, August 20, 2019

Project Management in Film Industry

Project Management in Film Industry Project Management for Media Introduction Television production industry proffers many benefits while practicing the project management, involving technical advancement, developed methodologies, quality management, or come across important setback s with promptness. These points lead to increase difficulty and density of the process of production. In spite of problems and complexity inbuilt in TV production industry, it is continuously flourishing. It is possible for TV production to manage the projects with experience, dignity and excellence within the available resources, expertise and large amount of experiences (Ika, 2009). Excellent project management becomes important or essential for the demanding nature of the TV production. Form the view point of the project management, the TV production industry proposes many prospects. Exploration and Critical Analysis TV or Film Production to Qualify as a Project In the culture of production, expert investigates the culture and belief system practices and the behavior of production workers including those who in top position like producers, directors and below the line workers like editors, gaffers and camera operators in the production industry. Then analyze the situation, description and practices with the help of which workers or labors can make sense of their work, criticize the TV and film industry. Industry continuously depict itself and its process of the production to the local people, workers and giving them ideas about the production industry which are surrounded in their daily routine practices which they create (Yates, Paquette, 2011). For any project for which to be qualified, it is mandatory that firm or media house must have the feasibility report which indicates the flow of activities to be carried out. For example the newly built TV production has intention to make the TV serial about any societal issues, it should at least send the proposal to the interested parties. The newly built TV house must have all the necessary facilities or set of the number of technical devices and operatives machineries that is used in the TV production (Yates, Paquette, 2011). Also when the proposal are sent to interested parties, TV production house makes it compulsory for all interested media outlets to meet the requirement that includes the experts producers, cameramen, editors and latest machinery and equipment that is used in the process. According to Madden (2012), TV production house might make certain decision keeping the demand of pace of work in which project is to be completed. Skilled workers means that able and competent producer should be part of the TV production house who have a vast amount of knowledge and information about the every step and activity which are supposed to be more helpful in the completion of TV serial. Similarly, in the completion of TV serial, number of elements related to human workforce exists like actor, co-producer, cameramen, light engineer, sound engineer and others. When the human job role is particularly defined then tasks to be done become more easily and without any trouble a successful journey starts towards the completion of TV serial (Madden, 2012). It is more imperative for TV production house must use the latest technology and sophisticated devices for production purpose. TV or Movies of Hollywood use the latest technology which makes the production and off-camera activities easier. The use of newly arrived technology also helps the production house to make any kind of changes dueling the production processes. It will enhance the viewership with great admiration. Technical labor is also requisite for TV industry as minor mistake during the phase of project related to TV serial can cause in bringing huge financial losses and can happen to stall the project. Therefore, along with the skilled and technical labor, another important aspect of the TV or film industry is the script writing which are to be visualized by the physical movements and image of various known actors and actress (Napier, Keil, Tan, 2009). As the scriptwriting is an art which is the sole responsibility of playwright who assembles the ideas into words and it is the role of director who bring ideas or words into physical movements of actors and actress which is highly appreciated by viewers. Animation are also used by director and producers which show the reality of object which is placed by technical team during the production set. Even the arrival of new innovative technology is bringing more revolution in the TV industry and Hollywood is the only place which is actively engaged in using new and innovative technology in every scene of movies or drama which appeal the viewers to watch. But it is up to the choice of the viewers to like or dislike in the movie or drama as ultimately TV production house can only make efforts to entertain audiences through the use of varieties of technologies but decision of either acceptance or rejection resides in the minds and hands of audience (Napier, Keil, Tan, 2009). Elements of Project Management for Successful Execution of Film or TV Production Film production is the process of film making which involves or includes various numbers of distinct levels. Film production takes place across the world with the wide range of social, political, and economic perspective by using diversity of cinematic techniques and advance technologies. Usually it involves a large number of human resources for their projects. And for creating and maintaining the quality it needs to have enormous efforts from very skilled people. And when it comes for communicating or coordinating the tasks like feedback from stakeholders across the world or across the time zone or any other things or tasks it becomes hard to look after or control the whole setup so it needs to have proper implementation of main elements of Project Management (Remidez, Jones, 2012). And for that we need to know what the main elements of Project Management are? As we all know that project management is the series of several important steps or activities which are interrelated and complex for attainment of the single goal. And the important aspect of booming project management is to see and consider the whole process interlinked. Completion of project may face constraints if it’s not proper planned because without proper planning, risk management, WBS successful execution of film production cannot be possible (Remidez, Jones, 2012). These elements are very necessary for the film production’s successful execution. Planning For successful execution of film production with the help of project management it is necessary that planning level should be accurate and should have assured that plan is effectively and efficiently control and executed. There are some models which can be used in the stage of planning. Few examples of planning stage’s model are Gantt chart, PERT etc. Gantt chart A specific bar chart which shows the current progress of the project activities along with the project completion dates (Madden, 2012). PERT PERT is an evaluation program with the technique reviews; it is a planning method of networks for managing and controlling the projects like in our case film production. It has six steps. All activities should be visibly explained. Prior activities should be identified and put ting them in sequence. There should be a diagram which reflects series relationships. Each activity should be determined with estimation or allocation of time. System should be assessing by estimating the critical ways. When the project start progressing, exact activity time should be recorded so that it can be helpful in case of any adjustment and revision (Madden, 2012). Work Breakdown Structure (WBS) WBS can be defined as an oriented breakdown of work to be carryout by the team to attain the objectives of the project and can create the compulsory deliverables. For creating an excellent WBS it will need a considerable amount of time, people and energy. But the first question which comes into our mind that why is it necessary to create WBS for our projects? (in our case film production).Three reasons are there to use WBS. Firstly it gives clear and accurate picture with exclusively organize and define the scope of the total project. Secondly it assess and give the ideas for allocating the resources, assigning the responsibilities, monitoring and controlling the project (Ika, 2009). Last but not the least it helps in double checking and ensuring that there is no lacking or overlapping in the project completion. Risk Management Risk management is related to assess or measure the natural risk. It is the process of identifying, evaluating the risk and making contingency plan and developing different strategies to manage the risk in present and future. It helps in reducing the risk factors (Yates, Paquette, 2011). A proper department of risk management in film production can help them in successful execution. Conclusion In last we can conclude that no one can deny the importance of Project Management in any business whether it is TV industry or Film production or Educational sector etc. We all know that project management is the series of several important steps or activities which are interrelated and complex for attainment of the single goal. Like all industry it has very important place in film production. Without production management no one can be able to deal with the problems which they can face while dealing with others human resources, allocation of resources, assignment of the task. References Ika, L. A. (2009). Project success as a topic in project management journals.Project Management Journal,40(4), 6-19. Yates, D., Paquette, S. (2011). Emergency knowledge management and social media technologies: A case study of the 2010 Haitian earthquake.International Journal of Information Management,31(1), 6-13. Napier, N. P., Keil, M., Tan, F. B. (2009). IT project managers construction of successful project management practice: a repertory grid investigation.Information Systems Journal,19(3), 255-282. Remidez, H., Jones, N. B. (2012). Developing a model for social media in project management communications.International Journal of Business and Social Science,3(3), 33-36. Madden, M. (2012). Privacy management on social media sites.Pew Internet Report, 1-20.

Wallace Stevens Essay -- Biography Biographies Essays

In the essay â€Å"Why Stevens Must Be Abstract,† Charles Altieri says â€Å"Stevens realized that the abstraction he desired on the level of content might be possible without the traps of ideology, if he could adapt to poetry the testimonial, self-referential dimension of art explored in painting. An art that enacts what it asserts can be said to finesse ideology, because its assertions do not depend on relating to the world through propositional, or even dramatic, chains of inference that have obvious dependencies on beliefs within a particular social order.† (Italics mine) (322). Stevens’ movement toward adapting the testimonial, self-referential dimension of art in his poetry is apparent in comparison of his earliest and later work. His earliest poetry (pre-twentieth century) used a lyric style and content reflective of a Romantic/Humanist longing for organic unity seeking universal truth, described by Altieri as the ‘traps of ideology. His later poetry succeeds in finessing ideology, using abstraction and stylistic invention to depart from the universal and engage the reader in a modernist experience. In this paper I will demonstrate an evolution in Stevens work toward a successful use of abstraction to ‘finesse ideology’ and create an art that enacts what it asserts. While this evolution can be seen throughout his work and applies to a multitude of themes, for the purposes of this paper I will focus on his use of seasonal and life cycle metaphor to engage the reader in the experience of the poem; the concept of negation as the point of emergence; and the use of structural techniques to enact the experience of negation and emergence in both form and content. Stevens’ Assertion It is important to identify the assertio... ...pher. â€Å"The Moving Eye in Williams’ Earlier Poetry,† in William Carlos Williams: Man and Poet, Carroll F., Terrell (Ed.). (Orono, ME: National Poetry Foundation) 1983. Eeckhout, Bart. Wallace Stevens and the Limits of Reading and Writing. (Columbia: University of Missouri Press) 2002. Harel, Kay. â€Å"Again Is An Oxymoron,† in The Wallace Stevens Journal, 26, (Spring 2002). Stevens, Wallace. Collected Poetry and Prose. Kermode, Frank (Ed.) and Richardson, Joan (Ed.). (New York, NY: Penguin Putnam, Inc.) 1997. Walsh, Thomas F. Concordance of the Poetry of Wallace Stevens. (University Park: Pennsylvania State University Press) 1963. Referenced in Eeckhout, Wallace Stevens and the Limits of Reading and Writing. Webster’s New World College Dictionary. Agnes, Michael (Ed.) and Gurlanik, David B. (Ed.) (Foster City, CA: IDG Books Worldwide) 2001. Wallace Stevens Essay -- Biography Biographies Essays In the essay â€Å"Why Stevens Must Be Abstract,† Charles Altieri says â€Å"Stevens realized that the abstraction he desired on the level of content might be possible without the traps of ideology, if he could adapt to poetry the testimonial, self-referential dimension of art explored in painting. An art that enacts what it asserts can be said to finesse ideology, because its assertions do not depend on relating to the world through propositional, or even dramatic, chains of inference that have obvious dependencies on beliefs within a particular social order.† (Italics mine) (322). Stevens’ movement toward adapting the testimonial, self-referential dimension of art in his poetry is apparent in comparison of his earliest and later work. His earliest poetry (pre-twentieth century) used a lyric style and content reflective of a Romantic/Humanist longing for organic unity seeking universal truth, described by Altieri as the ‘traps of ideology. His later poetry succeeds in finessing ideology, using abstraction and stylistic invention to depart from the universal and engage the reader in a modernist experience. In this paper I will demonstrate an evolution in Stevens work toward a successful use of abstraction to ‘finesse ideology’ and create an art that enacts what it asserts. While this evolution can be seen throughout his work and applies to a multitude of themes, for the purposes of this paper I will focus on his use of seasonal and life cycle metaphor to engage the reader in the experience of the poem; the concept of negation as the point of emergence; and the use of structural techniques to enact the experience of negation and emergence in both form and content. Stevens’ Assertion It is important to identify the assertio... ...pher. â€Å"The Moving Eye in Williams’ Earlier Poetry,† in William Carlos Williams: Man and Poet, Carroll F., Terrell (Ed.). (Orono, ME: National Poetry Foundation) 1983. Eeckhout, Bart. Wallace Stevens and the Limits of Reading and Writing. (Columbia: University of Missouri Press) 2002. Harel, Kay. â€Å"Again Is An Oxymoron,† in The Wallace Stevens Journal, 26, (Spring 2002). Stevens, Wallace. Collected Poetry and Prose. Kermode, Frank (Ed.) and Richardson, Joan (Ed.). (New York, NY: Penguin Putnam, Inc.) 1997. Walsh, Thomas F. Concordance of the Poetry of Wallace Stevens. (University Park: Pennsylvania State University Press) 1963. Referenced in Eeckhout, Wallace Stevens and the Limits of Reading and Writing. Webster’s New World College Dictionary. Agnes, Michael (Ed.) and Gurlanik, David B. (Ed.) (Foster City, CA: IDG Books Worldwide) 2001.

Monday, August 19, 2019

Electoral College System Essays -- Political Science

Analyze criticism of the "Electoral College" system and the alleged advantages and disadvantages of various reform proposals. The Electoral College is a system in which the individual voter does not actually vote directly for the president. When a person votes they are voting for an elector that has pledged their vote or allegiance to the running party. The Framers realized that without widespread communications available at the time and with other varying factors an "each vote counts" or "the popular vote" system would not be practical. Because of this they formed the Electoral College system, Under Article II of the US Constitution, although this system was never called this in the Article. This system has survived for over 200 years, with only two changes to it. These would be Amendment 12, and 23 of US Constitution. Many people have throughout the years said that the Electoral College is antiquated and needs to be changed, where as many others defended the Electoral College system. Some people believe the Electoral College system have many flaws, these can include electing a minority president, faithless Electors, the Electoral College causing a decline in voter turnout, the inequality of votes from large to small states, and the disadvantages for third parties. One large issue is that a president could be elected without the countries popular vote. One way this can happen is if three or more parties run splitting the Electoral votes so no one party can receive the majority of the votes. This has happened in 1824 and almost happened in 1948, and in 1968. If this does happen Amendment 12 states that the U.S. House of Representatives would then select the president from the top three. Another big issue is Electors t... would like the votes to be split between parties. One of the last proposed changes is the "drop two" Electoral votes. In this proposal each states Electoral votes would be equal to their state Representatives. This system would function the same but just remove two Electoral votes from each state. This would still allow small states to over represent but would lessen the effects. Even though the Electoral College system has many flaws, it has worked for well over 200 years. Many people feel that the system is old and needs to be updated but the system was well thought out by the Framers. Ref:

Sunday, August 18, 2019

The P-51 Mustang: The Best Fighter Ever Essay -- plane, D model, aircra

The P-51 Mustang: The Best Fighter Ever The P-51 Mustang is regarded by many sources as the greatest fighter plane ever created. With the technological advancements this plane achieved, to it’s service record, to it’s importance in winning World War Two, the Mustang is truly one of the greats. The Mustang played a key role in long range bomber support and saved countless bomber crew’s lives, and pilots loved to fly it. The P-51 had the most aerial victories of any American fighter in World War Two and it was flown by some of America’s top aces. The P-51 was a beast of a fighter plane The most recognizable of the Mustangs was the D model. This is the model with the famous â€Å"bubble† canopy. It had a V12 Packard Merlin-built Rolls Royce model V-1650 engine that generated over 1,650 horsepower. The engine along with a sleek aerodynamic body, and laminar flow wings (which produce less drag than conventional wings because of their shape), gave the Mustang a top speed of about 440 miles per hour, making it one of the fastest fighter aircraft in World War Two. The laminar flow wing along with external fuel tanks gave it a range of over 1,000 miles making it the only fighter capable of escorting bombers for their entire mission. It was a very agile and maneuverable aircraft and could do moves most planes could only dream about. It had a wingspan of 37 ft., was 32 ft. 3 in. long, 13 ft. 8 in. tall, and fully loaded could weigh up to 12,100 lbs.It was armed with six Browning .50 caliber machine guns, and could carry six five inch rockets, or up to two thousand pounds of bombs on the underwing racks. The P-51 was also one of the first aircraft to have an electric gyro gun sight; its sight was designated the K14. The sight could calculate ... ...p against any other fighter out there. The P-51 Mustang truly is the greatest fighter aircraft in history. WORK CITED 1. Sherman, Stephen E. "Aces of the Eighth Air Force in World War Two." US 8th Air Force Aces, Mustang and Thunderbolt Fighter Pilots in WW2., June 1999. Web. 05 May 2014. "North American P-51D Mustang." Factsheets : North American P-51D Mustang. The Official Web Site of National Museum of the USAF, 2 Apr. 2011. Web. 05 May 2014. Jackson, David D. "Warbirds and Airshows- WWII US Aircraft Victories."Warbirds and Airshows- WWII US Aircraft Victories. N.p., n.d. Web. 05 May 2014. . Clarke, R. Wallace. British Aircraft Armament. Vol. 2. Sparkford: Stephens, 1994. Print.